. American. BritishAlma materPeriod1863–1916Notable worksRelatives(father)(brother)(sister)SignatureHenry James ( ( 1843-04-15)15 April 1843 – ( 1916-02-28)28 February 1916) was an American-British author regarded as a key transitional figure between and, and is considered by many to be among the greatest novelists in the English language. He was the son of and the brother of renowned philosopher and psychologist and diarist.He is best known for a number of novels dealing with the social and marital interplay between emigre Americans, English people, and continental Europeans.
Examples of such novels include,. His later works were increasingly experimental. In describing the internal states of mind and social dynamics of his characters, James often made use of a style in which ambiguous or contradictory motives and impressions were overlaid or juxtaposed in the discussion of a character's psyche. For their unique ambiguity, as well as for other aspects of their composition, his late works have been compared to.His novella has garnered a reputation as the most analysed and ambiguous ghost story in the English language and remains his most widely adapted work in other media.
He also wrote a number of other highly regarded ghost stories and is considered one of the greatest masters of the field.James published articles and books of criticism, biography, autobiography, and plays. Born in the United States, James largely relocated to Europe as a young man and eventually settled in England, becoming a in 1915, one year before his death. James was nominated for the in 1911, 1912 and 1916.
Henry James, age 11, with his father, —1854 byJames was born at 2 Washington Place in New York City on 15 April 1843. His parents were Mary Walsh and His father was intelligent and steadfastly congenial. He was a lecturer and philosopher who had inherited independent means from his father, an banker and investor. Mary came from a wealthy family long settled in New York City. Her sister Katherine lived with her adult family for an extended period of time.
Had three brothers, who was one year his senior, and younger brothers Wilkinson (Wilkie) and Robertson. His younger sister was. Both of his parents were of Irish and Scottish descent.The family first lived in Albany, at 70 N. Pearl St., and then moved to Fourteenth Street in New York City when James was still a young boy. His education was calculated by his father to expose him to many influences, primarily scientific and philosophical; it was described by Percy Lubbock, the editor of his selected letters, as 'extraordinarily haphazard and promiscuous.' James did not share the usual education in Latin and Greek classics. Between 1855 and 1860, the James' household traveled to London, Paris, and, according to the father's current interests and publishing ventures, retreating to the United States when funds were low.
Henry studied primarily with tutors and briefly attended schools while the family traveled in Europe. Their longest stays were in France, where Henry began to feel at home and became fluent in French. He was afflicted with a stutter, which seems to have manifested itself only when he spoke English; in French, he did not stutter. James, age 16In 1860 the family returned to Newport. There Henry became a friend of the painter, who introduced him to French literature, and in particular, to. James later called Balzac his 'greatest master,' and said that he had learned more about the craft of fiction from him than from anyone else.In the autumn of 1861 Henry received an injury, probably to his back, while fighting a fire. This injury, which resurfaced at times throughout his life, made him unfit for military service in the American Civil War.In 1864 the James family moved to Boston, Massachusetts to be near William, who had enrolled first in the Lawrence Scientific School at Harvard and then in the medical school.
In 1862 Henry attended, but realised that he was not interested in studying law. He pursued his interest in literature and associated with authors and critics and in Boston and Cambridge, formed lifelong friendships with, the future Supreme Court Justice, and with and, his first professional mentors.His first published work was a review of a stage performance, 'Miss Maggie Mitchell in Fanchon the Cricket,' published in 1863. About a year later, his first short story, was published anonymously.
James's first payment was for an appreciation of Sir Walter Scott's novels, written for the. He wrote fiction and non-fiction pieces for and, where Fields was editor. In 1871 he published his first novel, in serial form in the Atlantic Monthly. The novel was later published in book form in 1878.During a 14-month trip through Europe in 1869–70 he met,. Rome impressed him profoundly. 'Here I am then in the Eternal City,' he wrote to his brother William. 'At last—for the first time—I live!'
He attempted to support himself as a freelance writer in Rome, then secured a position as Paris correspondent for the New York Tribune, through the influence of its editor. When these efforts failed he returned to New York City.
During 1874 and 1875 he published Transatlantic Sketches,. During this early period in his career he was influenced by.In 1869 he settled in London. There he established relationships with Macmillan and other publishers, who paid for serial installments that they would later publish in book form. The audience for these serialized novels was largely made up of middle-class women, and James struggled to fashion serious literary work within the strictures imposed by editors' and publishers' notions of what was suitable for young women to read. He lived in rented rooms but was able to join gentlemen's clubs that had libraries and where he could entertain male friends. He was introduced to English society by and, the latter introducing him to the and the.In the fall of 1875 he moved to the.
Aside from two trips to America, he spent the next three decades—the rest of his life—in Europe. In Paris he met, and others. He stayed in Paris only a year before moving to London.In England he met the leading figures of politics and culture. He continued to be a prolific writer, producing (1877), (1878), a revision of Watch and Ward (1878), (1878), (1879), and several shorter works of fiction. In 1878 established his fame on both sides of the Atlantic. It drew notice perhaps mostly because it depicted a woman whose behavior is outside the social norms of Europe. He also began his first masterpiece, which would appear in 1881.In 1877 he first visited in Shropshire, home of his friend whom he had met through Henry Adams.
He was much inspired by the darkly romantic Abbey and the surrounding countryside, which features in his essay Abbeys and Castles. In particular the gloomy monastic fishponds behind the Abbey are said to have inspired the lake in.While living in London, James continued to follow the careers of the 'French realists', in particular. Their stylistic methods influenced his own work in the years to come.
Hawthorne's influence on him faded during this period, replaced. 1879–1882 saw the publication of The Europeans,.
He visited America in 1882–1883, then returned to London.The period from 1881 to 1883 was marked by several losses. His mother died in 1881, followed by his father a few months later, and then by his brother Wilkie. Emerson, an old family friend, died in 1882. His friend Turgenev died in 1883.Middle years, 1884–1897 In 1884 James made another visit to Paris. There he met again with Zola, Daudet, and Goncourt. He had been following the careers of the French 'realist' or 'naturalist' writers, and was increasingly influenced by them.
In 1886, he published and, both influenced by the French writers he'd studied assiduously. Critical reaction and sales were poor. He wrote to Howells that the books had hurt his career rather than helped because they had 'reduced the desire, and demand, for my productions to zero'. During this time he became friends with,. His third novel from the 1880s was. Although he was following the precepts of Zola in his novels of the '80s, their tone and attitude are closer to the fiction of.
The lack of critical and financial success for his novels during this period led him to try writing for the theatre. (His dramatic works and his experiences with theatre are discussed below.)In the last quarter of 1889, he started translating 'for pure and copious lucre' Port Tarascon, the third volume of adventures of. Serialized in from June 1890, this translation praised as 'clever' by was published in January 1891 by.After the stage failure of in 1895, James was near despair and thoughts of death plagued him.
The years spent on dramatic works were not entirely a loss. As he moved into the last phase of his career he found ways to adapt dramatic techniques into the novel form.In the late 1880s and throughout the 1890s James made several trips through Europe. He spent a long stay in Italy in 1887. In that year the short novel and were published. Late years, 1898–1916. Main article: Style and themes James is one of the major figures of literature. His works frequently juxtapose characters from the (Europe), embodying a feudal civilisation that is beautiful, often corrupt, and alluring, and from the (United States), where people are often brash, open, and and embody the virtues—freedom and a more highly evolved moral character—of the new American society.
James explores this and cultures, in stories of personal relationships in which power is exercised well or badly. His protagonists were often young American women facing oppression or abuse, and as his secretary remarked in her monograph Henry James at Work. Portrait of Henry James, charcoal drawing by (1912)When he walked out of the refuge of his study and into the world and looked around him, he saw a place of torment, where creatures of prey perpetually thrust their claws into the quivering flesh of doomed, defenseless children of light.
His novels are a repeated exposure of this wickedness, a reiterated and passionate plea for the fullest of development, unimperiled by reckless and barbarous stupidity.Critics have jokingly described three phases in the development of James's prose: 'James I, James II, and The Old Pretender.' He wrote short stories and plays. Finally, in his third and last period he returned to the long, serialised novel. Beginning in the second period, but most noticeably in the third, he increasingly abandoned direct statement in favour of frequent double negatives, and complex descriptive imagery. Single paragraphs began to run for page after page, in which an initial noun would be succeeded by pronouns surrounded by clouds of adjectives and prepositional clauses, far from their original referents, and verbs would be deferred and then preceded by a series of adverbs.
The overall effect could be a vivid evocation of a scene as perceived by a sensitive observer. It has been debated whether this change of style was engendered by James's shifting from writing to dictating to a typist, a change made during the composition of.In its intense focus on the consciousness of his major characters, James's later work foreshadows extensive developments in 20th century fiction. Indeed, he might have influenced stream-of-consciousness writers such as, who not only read some of his novels but also wrote essays about them. Both contemporary and modern readers have found the late style difficult and unnecessary; his friend, who admired him greatly, said that there were passages in his work that were all but incomprehensible.
James was harshly portrayed by as a hippopotamus laboriously attempting to pick up a pea that had got into a corner of its cage. The 'late James' style was ably parodied by in 'The Mote in the Middle Distance'.More important for his work overall may have been his position as an, and in other ways an outsider, living in Europe. While he came from middle-class and provincial beginnings (seen from the perspective of European polite society) he worked very hard to gain access to all levels of society, and the settings of his fiction range from working class to, and often describe the efforts of middle-class Americans to make their way in European capitals. He confessed he got some of his best story ideas from gossip at the dinner table or at country house weekends. He worked for a living, however, and lacked the experiences of select schools, university, and army service, the common bonds of masculine society. He was furthermore a man whose tastes and interests were, according to the prevailing standards of Anglo-American culture, rather feminine, and who was shadowed by the cloud of prejudice that then and later accompanied suspicions of his homosexuality. Edmund Wilson famously compared James's objectivity to Shakespeare's:One would be in a position to appreciate James better if one compared him with the dramatists of the seventeenth century— and, whom he resembles in form as well as in point of view, and even, when allowances are made for the most extreme differences in subject and form.
These poets are not, like and, writers of melodrama—either humorous or pessimistic, nor secretaries of society like, nor prophets like: they are occupied simply with the presentation of conflicts of moral character, which they do not concern themselves about softening or averting. They do not indict society for these situations: they regard them as universal and inevitable.
They do not even blame God for allowing them: they accept them as the conditions of life.It is also possible to see many of James's stories as psychological thought-experiments. In his preface to the New York edition of The American he describes the development of the story in his mind as exactly such: the 'situation' of an American, 'some robust but insidiously beguiled andbetrayed, some cruelly wronged, compatriot.' With the focus of the story being on the response of this wronged man. May be an experiment to see what happens when an idealistic young woman suddenly becomes very rich. In many of his tales, characters seem to exemplify alternative futures and possibilities, as most markedly in ', in which the protagonist and a ghost-doppelganger live alternative American and European lives; and in others, like, an older James seems fondly to regard his own younger self facing a crucial moment.
Major novels. 'Portrait of Henry James', oil painting by (1913)The first period of James's fiction, usually considered to have culminated in, concentrated on the contrast between Europe and America. The style of these novels is generally straightforward and, though personally characteristic, well within the norms of 19th-century fiction. (1875) is a that traces the development of the title character, an extremely talented sculptor.
Although the book shows some signs of immaturity—this was James's first serious attempt at a full-length novel—it has attracted favourable comment due to the vivid realisation of the three major characters: Roderick Hudson, superbly gifted but unstable and unreliable; Rowland Mallet, Roderick's limited but much more mature friend and patron; and Christina Light, one of James's most enchanting and maddening. The pair of Hudson and Mallet has been seen as representing the two sides of James's own nature: the wildly imaginative artist and the brooding conscientious mentor.In The Portrait of a Lady (1881) James concluded the first phase of his career with a novel that remains his most popular piece of long fiction. The story is of a spirited young American woman, Isabel Archer, who 'affronts her destiny' and finds it overwhelming. She inherits a large amount of money and subsequently becomes the victim of Machiavellian scheming by two American expatriates. The narrative is set mainly in Europe, especially in England and Italy.
Henry James Simsbury
Generally regarded as the masterpiece of his early phase, is described as a, exploring the minds of his characters, and almost a work of social science, exploring the differences between Europeans and Americans, the old and the new worlds.The second period of James's career, which extends from the publication of through the end of the nineteenth century, features less popular novels including, published serially in in 1885–1886, and, published serially in during the same period. This period also featured James's celebrated Gothic novella,.The third period of James's career reached its most significant achievement in three novels published just around the start of the 20th century: (1902), (1903), and (1904). Critic called this 'trilogy' James's major phase, and these novels have certainly received intense critical study. It was the second-written of the books, (1902) that was the first published because it attracted no serialization. This novel tells the story of Milly Theale, an American stricken with a serious disease, and her impact on the people around her. Some of these people befriend Milly with honourable motives, while others are more self-interested. James stated in his autobiographical books that Milly was based on Minny Temple, his beloved cousin who died at an early age of tuberculosis.
He said that he attempted in the novel to wrap her memory in the 'beauty and dignity of art'. Shorter narratives. In, where James lived from 1897 to 1914.James was particularly interested in what he called the 'beautiful and blest nouvelle', or the longer form of short narrative. Still, he produced a number of very short stories in which he achieved notable compression of sometimes complex subjects. The following narratives are representative of James's achievement in the shorter forms of fiction. Photograph of Henry James (1897)At 22 James wrote The Noble School of Fiction for 's first issue in 1865. He would write, in all, over 200 essays and book, art, and theatre reviews for the magazine.For most of his life James harboured ambitions for success as a playwright.
He converted his novel into a play that enjoyed modest returns in the early 1890s. In all he wrote about a dozen plays, most of which went unproduced. His costume drama failed disastrously on its opening night in 1895. James then largely abandoned his efforts to conquer the stage and returned to his fiction. In his he maintained that his theatrical experiment benefited his novels and tales by helping him dramatise his characters' thoughts and emotions. James produced a small but valuable amount of theatrical criticism, including perceptive appreciations of.With his wide-ranging artistic interests, James occasionally wrote on the visual arts.
Perhaps his most valuable contribution was his favourable assessment of fellow expatriate, a painter whose critical status has improved markedly in recent decades. James also wrote sometimes charming, sometimes brooding articles about various places he visited and lived in. His most famous books of travel writing include (an example of the charming approach) and (most definitely on the brooding side). James was one of the great letter-writers of any era.
More than ten thousand of his personal letters are extant, and over three thousand have been published in a large number of collections. A complete edition of James's letters began publication in 2006, edited by Pierre Walker and Greg Zacharias.
As of 2014, eight volumes have been published, covering the period from 1855 to 1880. James's correspondents included celebrated contemporaries like, and, along with many others in his wide circle of friends and acquaintances.
The letters range from the 'mere twaddle of graciousness' to serious discussions of artistic, social and personal issues.Very late in life James began a series of autobiographical works:, and the unfinished. These books portray the development of a classic observer who was passionately interested in artistic creation but was somewhat reticent about participating fully in the life around him.
Reception Criticism, biographies and fictional treatments. Interior view of Lamb House, James's residence from 1897 until 1914. (1898)James's work has remained steadily popular with the limited audience of educated readers to whom he spoke during his lifetime, and has remained firmly in the canon, but, after his death, some American critics, such as, expressed hostility towards James for his long expatriation and eventual naturalisation as a British subject. Other critics such as complained about what they saw as James's squeamishness in the treatment of sex and other possibly controversial material, or dismissed his late style as difficult and obscure, relying heavily on extremely long sentences and excessively language. Similarly criticised him for writing 'fiction as if it were a painful duty'., composing a canon of American literature, condemned James for having cut himself off from America. Wrote about him, 'Despite the scruples and delicate complexities of James, his work suffers from a major defect: the absence of life.'
And, writing to, asked, 'Please tell me what you find in Henry James. We have his works here, and I read, and I can't find anything but faintly tinged rose water, urbane and sleek, but vulgar and pale as. Is there really any sense in it?' The novelist W. Somerset Maugham wrote, 'He did not know the English as an Englishman instinctively knows them and so his English characters never to my mind quite ring true,' and argued 'The great novelists, even in seclusion, have lived life passionately. Henry James was content to observe it from a window.'
Maugham nevertheless wrote, 'The fact remains that those last novels of his, notwithstanding their unreality, make all other novels, except the very best, unreadable.' Observed that James 'never really wrote about the English very well. His English characters don't work for me.' Despite these criticisms, James is now valued for his psychological and moral realism, his masterful creation of character, his low-key but playful humour, and his assured command of the language. In his 1983 book, The Novels of Henry James, offers an assessment that echoes Theodora Bosanquet's:'To be completely great,' Henry James wrote in an early review, 'a work of art must lift up the heart,' and his own novels do this to an outstanding degree.
More than sixty years after his death, the great novelist who sometimes professed to have no opinions stands foursquare in the great Christian and democratic tradition. The men and women who, at the height of, raided the secondhand shops for his out-of-print books knew what they were about. For no writer ever raised a braver banner to which all who love freedom might adhere.saw James as a representative of a new realist school of literary art which broke with the English romantic tradition epitomised by the works of. Howells wrote that realism found 'its chief exemplar in Mr.
A novelist he is not, after the old fashion, or after any fashion but his own.' Championed Henry James as a novelist of 'established pre-eminence' in (1948), asserting that and were 'the two most brilliant novels in the language.' From the original on 16 July 2017. Kaplan, Fred. Henry James: The Imagination of Genius, A Biography. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
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261–262. Lauter (2010) p. Leavis, The Great Tradition (New York University Press, 1969), p. From the original on 14 July 2014. Australia, Writing. Archived from on 5 March 2014. ^.
IMDb.References. (2009) 2001., originally published by Chelsea House.
and Esther Zemborain de Torres (1971). An Introduction to American Literature. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. Theodora Bosanquet (1982). Henry James At Work.
Haskell House Publishers Inc. Pp. 275–276. John R. Henry James and Homo-Erotic Desire. Palgrave Macmillan.
John R. Bradley (2000). I Henry James on Stage and Screen Palgrave Macmillan. John R. Bradley (2000). Henry James's Permanent Adolescence. Palgrave Macmillan.
(1925). The Pilgrimage of Henry James. Gabriel Brownstein (2004). 'Introduction,' in James, Henry. Portrait of a Lady, Barnes & Noble Classics series, Spark Educational Publishing.
Lewis Dabney, ed. The Portable. Marysa Demoor and Monty Chisholm, editors (1999). Bravest of Women and Finest of Friends: Henry James's Letters to Lucy Clifford, University of Victoria (1999), p. 79. (1951). Henry James William Sloane Associates, The American Men of Letters Series., ed.
The Selected Letters of Henry James New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Vol. 1. Leon Edel, ed. Henry James Letters.
Leon Edel, ed. The Complete Plays of Henry James. New York: Oxford University Press. (1956).
Aspects of the Novel. Gunter, Susan (2000).
Dear Munificent Friends: Henry James's Letters to Four Women. Gunter, Susan E.; Jobe, Steven H. Dearly Beloved Friends: Henry James's Letters to Younger Men. University of Michigan Press.
(1990). The Nation 1865–1990,. James Kraft (1969). The early tales of Henry James.
Southern Illinois University Press. Paul Lauter (2010). Chichester; Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
P. 364., ed. The Letters of Henry James, vol. New York: Scribner. and Kenneth Murdock, editors (1981) The Notebooks of Henry James. University of Chicago Press. Novick, Sheldon M (1996).
Random House. Sheldon M. Novick (2007). Random House; 2007. Ross Posnock (1987). 'James, Browning, and the Theatrical Self,' in Neuman, Mark and Payne, Michael.
Self, sign, and symbol. Bucknell University Press. (1970).
Henry James: An Introduction and Interpretation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. and Elizabeth Bradley, editors. The Correspondence of William James: Volume 3, William and Henry. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia., ed.
Henry James: The Scenic Art, Notes on Acting and the Drama 1872–1901. (1983). The Novels of Henry James. (1925) The Writing of Fiction. (2003).
Henry James Books
P. 33, 39–40, 58, 86, 215, 301, 351., Boon. (1915) The Mind of the Race, The Wild Asses of the Devil, and The Last Trump. Fisher Unwin p. 101. Rosella Mamoli Zorzi, ed. Beloved Boy: Letters to Hendrik C. Andersen, 1899–1915. University of Virginia Press.Further reading.
The Life and Times of Henry Clarke of Jamaica, 1828-1907 by James WalvinRequirements:.PDF reader, 2.2 mbOverview: When Henry Clarke died in 1907 his obituary described him as an Englishman, yet he had only spent the first 19 years of his life in England, the next 60 being spent in Jamaica. He was a teacher, a cleric politician, a businessman, an inventor, and the father of eleven children. He left behind an extraordinary amount of writing, including a six volume diary upon which this biography is based.Genre: Non-Fiction Biographies & MemoirsDownload Instructions:Posted in Tagged,.